Friday, February 7th 2025 | ||
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About Target Truth Ministries
Our ministry offers a unique understanding of the Creation and the End Times, in addition to covering a wide range of other topics about God, the Bible, Christianity, morality and ethics. For over twenty years, we have ministered to inmates at our local jail, Juvenile Hall, and to prisoners at numerous facilities all across the nation, sending out virtual chapels and books we have authored. In recent years, we have also ministered to the homeless population at The Center for Hope in our community. As an ordained pastor and chaplain at the Mendocino County Jail and Juvenile Hall for many years, I have seen up close and personal the ravaging effects of sin in people’s lives and its harmful effects in the world at large. My wife Monica and I share a heavy burden, both for the lost and believers alike. For the lost, to see captives set free (Isa. 61:1) and for believers, to see their faith fortified and to live their lives boldly and fully to the glory of God. Thank You!
Pastor Gerry & Monica Burney
Letters From Inmates
From Chino State Prison Chaplain Gerry…Thank you for the latest book you have sent to me. And of course, thank you again for the other books you have sent and the Virtual Chapels. You have guided me to be a more knowledgeable and faithful Christian. We first met nearly 11 years age at Mendo Jail…and I got to see you in Nov-Dec of 2017 when I came in from prison for re-sentencing. My term was reduced…thank you Lord Jesus. I expect to be released in about 2 years. My original sentence was 17 years for 6 bank robberies. Not all were in Mendocino County. I have changed my life. I will sin no more. I plan to come and thank you in person in 2022. May God continue to bless us both…your brother in Christ….. From Men’s Colony State Prison San Luis Obispo I wanted to yell at you. I wanted to revile you. I wanted to argue, ridicule, and point a finger at you…to hate you. But I kept reading…Now I just want to thank you. Because I had no choice but to agree with you. Thank you. A concept of predestination that actually makes sense. We CAN do something about ALL being condemned to hell. Amen. I read the Eden to Evil book. Bravo. Thank you. Thank you. If possible, could you please bless me with ANY and ALL of your other books. I am an indigent inmate, with no help. No family, and a life sentence. I wish I had something to donate and give. But I do not. May God bless you abundantly. From San Quentin State Prison To Target Truth Ministries / Pastor Gerry…Hello! Hope all is well. I’m doing well. I was in the Lake County Jail from 2017 to 2020, and now I’m in San Quentin. I have about 5 years of a 14 year sentence left (with % reductions). I really enjoy your books! And the Virtual Chapels. Please remember me as I have moved from the Lake County Jail to here…please keep me on your mail list. Please…. From Vacaville State Prison Dear Chaplain Gerry…My name is_________, and you have been sending me worksheets for 14 years. I didn’t throw them away…I just gave them to someone who would read them. I don’t go in front of the parole board until 2035. The food in prison is getting real bad. They have to pay the CO’s a lot of money to baby sit us. A couple of months ago I found out I have stage 4 cirrhosis of the liver. I’m in an inpatient program because I tried to take my life I saved up a lot of my meds and one night I took them all when my celly was not looking. I almost died and spent 4 days in a hospital really messed up. No one thought I was going to make it and if I did they thought I would have brain damage. But, I did make it and for some reason my brain is OK. I got another one of your Virtual Chapels in the mail, and I started reading it. Then I got another one and read it too. Then I talked to a chaplain in here and got a Bible and now I’m doing your studies. I’m getting ready to start reading you book Eden to Evil you just sent me and I’m also starting to read Our Daily Bread. To be honest I want to die, but I’m scared too. It makes no sense to me…I just want to go to sleep and not wake up. I’ve never been this honest with anyone before, so please understand I do think I have people out in the real world who love me, but I have no contact. Please keep me on your mail list because I’m real hungry right now. I think God is stepping into my life because I really should be dead right now. Write me…… From Mendocino County Jail To Gerry and Mrs. Burney and also all the volunteers…THANK YOU for all the cookies, treats, and Christmas Cards and stamped envelopes. It truly embodies the spirit and kindness of the season. (Note—volunteers put together a gift bag for every inmate at Christmas that includes 3 stamped Christmas Cards, and treats—Pastor Donnell actually started this and now we have 3 churches involved) This type of giving is “semi-miraculous” especially when confined to a cell. I’m thanking you for all the wayward souls here at the Jail. I soon will be leaving to state prison somewhere. Please pray for me…I am innocent of these charges, but I am taking it as a sign from God that I need to heed His voice. I just want love, peace, and healing now…right NOW…not after prison. I seek to find my way…and I want you to know sir, that my 22 months here were made to be less stressful in the face of harsh punishment, du to your devotion and dedication to us. I will write you for prison when I get there… From State Prison Lancaster Dear Pastor Gerry…Thank you! I received the dictionary and Virtual Chapel you sent. Pretty awesome! My friend________ wrote me and said you called him and I thank you for that too. Pastor, I will tell you something. I’ve been looking at the obituaries in the old newspapers that float around here and it looks like people only live to be about 70…that ain’t long. I makes me realize I really screwed up and how much time I’ve wasted. I consider you a friend and I don’t throw that word around. Thank you for everything you have done for me…all the way back to when I asked you to call my girlfriend in Covelo and connected her with a lady that does celebrate recovery. Thank you! That helped her a lot. This place can get violent…I lay in my bunk at night…sometimes depressed and I can’t sleep…so I put my hands together and ask Jesus to help me find sleep…it helps a lot…bless you… From Wasco State Prison Pastor Gerry…My name is__________ and I’m 45 and I’m doing 3 and a half more. My room mate here gets your Virtual Chapels and many of us share them here…but, he is moving to another facility…so can you add me to your mail list please. I have made up my mind to change my life style and when I get out of here to go to a recovery center so I can start a new life right away as in the past I would dig a hole and fall in it and I couldn’t come out because I put God to the side and loved the worldly things and God has been calling me but I didn’t want to open the door. I feel like I need to learn more and more. Thank you…your new friend… From Soledad State Prison Dear Gerry. Hey! How are you? I haven’t written in a while. I’ve been depressed. So, I finally talked to a counselor last Tuesday and I should be shipped out to another prison in the next month. I talked to you every chance I could back in county jail when you walked by my cell and I talked to you about hopefully finding work when I get out. I’m doing what you said to do and that’s “stay in contact.” I still have your card and I will call you when I get out in about 18 months. Hopefully we can form some kind of plan so that I don’t have to be homeless. The bottom line is someone getting out of prison needs a job and that is what I want. Please don’t forget about me Gerry…I don’t want to be homeless or come back to prison. I’m 40 years old right now and still healthy enough to work and get my life on track…keep in touch…your friend__________
Current MessagesWe now offer you these sermons by Pastor Gerry:![]() Miracle of Miracles: https://sermons.faithlife.com/series/19478-miracles-of-miracles Fortold: https://sermons.faithlife.com/series/51645-fortold Christianity Is Not A Religion: https://sermons.faithlife.com/sermons/312519-christianity-is-not-a-religion
2068 Video Series
Pastor Gerry’s video sermon series on the following:
Pastor Gerry’s Radio Interviews
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Target Truth Ministries * Box 1299 * Ukiah, CA 95482 targettruthministry@gmail.com |